Fly Away to XAND -ado, or Where Is Elaine DeFreitas ? The discovery of antibodies to the retrovirus XMRV in the blood of 95 percent of ME/ CFS patients has led to an air of celebration best expressed by these 20+ year ME/ CFS patients who partied with funny hats that read "I heart retrovirii ." It has also led to a new name for the illness: XAND or X-associated neuroimmune disease. But two questions are on everyone's minds: how do we keep the momentum going when the patient community is so frail, and where is Elaine DeFreitas ? First, let me talk about XAND and why it's so exciting . Retroviruses are rare in the general population, whereas most other viruses found in ME/ CFS patients are ubiquitous. Most viruses discovered in ME/CFS patients have been common or fairly common herpesviruses such as CMV , Epstein Barr, HHV -6. A finding of a retrovirus in 95 percent of a patient group argues very strongly for causality. This is why our ME/ CFS luminar...